What Is The Difference Betweenyaki And European Weave What Is The Difference Between Christianity And Judaism? Is Christianity The Fulfillment Of Judaism?

What is the difference between Christianity and Judaism? Is Christianity the fulfillment of Judaism? - what is the difference betweenyaki and european weave

What is the difference between Christianity and Judaism?
Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism?


Bin Yummy said...

There are many differences between these two religions, but I want to point out a fundamental difference.

Christians believe that God will forgive our sins, man must believe in their Messiah, such as di-n.

The Jews believe that God is too similar to forgive, to forgive one another as new friends. If pain is a friend of another friend and wants forgiveness, admit such things, that what he did or not, arguing that it is bad, apologized for her to understand in his heart for what was wrong would the communication did not try to repeat the apology and then not actually repeated. This process is called repentance. This is the concept of repairing a relationship with humility and the work itself, RetuRN the same kind of relationship they had before.

The Jews believe that if another person injured, tried to recover the wounded and asking for forgiveness, they tried to be forgiven by God. For example, Yom Kippur Atton only for the sins of man and God, but not from person to person.

This is another reason why Jews do not believe in the Christian Messiah as di-S. The concept of making an offer for the future of Atton sin has no meaning for Jews. The idea that the Christian Messiah is dead as a future Atton sin is a strange idea that Jews and illogical.

Christians believe that, while they will believe in their Messiah will be awarded from all sins, both between the di-s is ad man, and from person to person.

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